I finally have an update on my job situation. But before I tell you what it is, I have to tell you the weird journey that got me here.
For over a month now I have been checking my district's website to see what new jobs were available. Although I do not want to be a teacher, I still believe that I belong in the realm of education. Around mid-May a position as assistant registrar at the same high school I've been working at for seven years opened. I decided to apply. Even though it would be a steep pay cut I would be doing data entry and organizational things (which I LOVE), I already know and get along with my coworkers, and I know that I could do this job well. I mentioned in passing to my principal that I applied for the job and he asked me to meet with the head registrar for the school. I met with her and she seemed very excited about me possibly being her co-worker. Well, the next day the principal offered me the job! Unfortunately this was during final exams so I had to focus on finishing the school year before I could consider whether to accept the offer or not.
I then received an automatic e-mail from the district with a list of job openings. There was an opening as an instructional coach at one of the middle schools. The more I read about the position, the more I wanted it! I would help other teachers hone their craft, create assessments, and analyze data. I thought I was an excellent candidate because I have experience teaching Spanish (100% of my IB students passed the IB test the last year I taught Spanish) and math (my Algebra 1 students saw huge growth this past year: 64% passed their 8th grade state test but 85% passed their Algebra 1 state test). I got some advice from a personal coach and applied. I was contacted and informed that before they did in-person interviews there would be an online interview of sorts. They sent me a couple of questions and then I made a 2-minute video with my response. A few days later I was informed that I had not been chosen to be interviewed. It was a really big blow. I didn't realize how much I wanted that job until I was told I was no longer in the running.
That same day I was e-mailed by the assistant superintendent in charge of Human Resources at the district. He told me there was a possible job with ESL and would I like more information. Well, yeah! I met with him and found out that the idea would be to assist the high school ESL teacher for half of the day and spend the other half of the day at the administrative office to help with the head of ESL of the district. That would include testing incoming students, many of whom speak Spanish with limited English abilities. It sounded great to me! I would love the opportunity to use Spanish more because I really do miss it. Well, a couple of days later I was told that there were some hiccups and the job described would not actually work with what the district needs right now.
So all of that is to say that I will be the new assistant registrar at the high school! It was a bizarre road but in the end I am really excited for this opportunity. I think the best part is that I will still be able to work with people I love. (I'm looking at you, Brianna, Lacy, and Will!) Sure, I won't be seeing them everyday but it's good to know that I have friends just upstairs when I need an ear. I'm also hoping that the lower stress will translate into a happier me. That is worth all the money in the world!
-Clare G. S.