I once again found myself at the high school a couple of weeks ago and a friend mentioned that I haven't written here in a while. Whoops! Here's what's happening in my world.
Therapy - I haven't been back to see Dr. S since my last post because I haven't felt the need. I have good days and bad days like anyone else but I seem to be handling the bad days fairly well for the most part. I still need to build a meditation habit.
Working out - Speaking of building good habits, I've started working out regularly. The last week or two of January I started either an ab workout (about 10 minutes) or walking one mile each morning. Now I sometimes do both or walk two miles. I've tried to add in some jogging but my calves start to ache very quickly. I'm keep meaning to look into what the cause could be. I think it's the new sneakers I bought plus the constant inclines/declines in my neighborhood. Also, each Tuesday there is a group at my work that does a 30-45 minute cardio workout; usually a dance-based exercise. I do my best to join them. I'm really happy to say that after nearly three months I can see real progress!
- I can now walk up the stairs at work and not get winded.
- When I jog during my walks I now have to stop because my calves ache, not because I am out of breath.
- Side note: I was trying to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. I mentioned to my sister, J, that I was running out of breath. She suggested trying to breathe through my mouth the entire time if that felt more natural. That solved the problem!
- My spouse reports that I'm generally in a better mood.
I'm really trying not to focus on things like my weight and waist size but it's hard. Everywhere I look everyone is talking about losing weight and dropping inches from your waist. I know the victories I listed above are much more important since my goal is to feel better and to live a long, happy life. However, that doesn't keep diet culture from attacking. I'm glad that this year my school district is doing a step-challenge instead of a weight-loss challenge. Especially for those of us with desk jobs, it's important to keep moving and keep your body active. Also, it's nice to have a good excuse to take a short walk around the building outside and get some sunlight. I truly believe it helps me stay in a more positive mood. If I spend the entire day at my desk and only leave it for bathroom breaks, I get grumpy.
Work - Not much to report here. I still miss my friends at the high school but it's getting easier to visit the campus without being an emotional wreck afterward. We did have one adventure recently. Around 1:30pm on Thursday the internet for the entire district cut out. By Friday morning, it was restored to all campuses but not central office where I work. We finally got internet back around 3pm on Friday. I'm probably going to go in early on Monday to try to catch up on all the things I couldn't get done earlier. On the bright side, my work desk is clean and very organized!
Family - On April 2nd I successfully married my brother to his wife! My goal was to avoid crying during the ceremony since I was the officiant. I did it! Every time I felt tears coming on, I told myself, "This is not my brother. I am just in a play and I'm playing the part of the officiant at a wedding." That helped me get back to a non-weepy mindset and ensured I was speaking loudly, clearly, and at a good pace. There was a funny moment when I had to hold back laughter because out of the corner of my eye I could see their dog rolling on his back.
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Me as the officiant! I guess that blouse is now my officiant blouse. |
Church - I'm so excited because our church has a new rector! We've been searching for one since about 2019 so we are all really happy to have a permanent rector again. Don't get me wrong, our interim rector was great but our congregation was ready for someone who will be here long-term. It was really interesting to be part of this process since I'm accustomed to the Roman Catholic church where priests are assigned to a parish. I learned a lot about how the Episcopal Church runs and the more I learn, the more I like it.
Another thing I've been learning about is the process for discerning the priesthood in the church. My friend, B, is currently discerning if she is called to be a priest or deacon. I am very honored to be part of the group that is guiding her during this process. We meet every 2-3 weeks for around 6 sessions. I think it's a really great process because it gives the seeker (the person who is seeking what God is calling them to do) opportunities to pray and reflect about why they feel called to this. It's obvious that the church has put a lot of thought into this process.
COVID-19 - A couple of weeks ago Austin, Tx lifted their mask mandate for government buildings. To me, that felt like the end of the pandemic. The only place where I still wear a mask is in medical buildings as they still require them. It's so odd to look back at the transitions: getting accustomed to wearing a mask in public, trying not to panic when people in crowded places refused to wear a mask, and now back to rarely seeing people wearing a mask. I have lots of thoughts on how the world should be based on what we learned during the pandemic but this post is already long enough.
Overall, things are going well in my life. I hope I didn't just jinx myself. ;)
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