Sunday, March 15, 2020

Why I'm Taking a Break from Social Media

I have decided to back off my social media use. If I'm going to be perfectly honest, I waste a lot of time just scrolling through Facebook and occasionally Twitter as well. Nowadays the only things people are posting are COVID-19 related. I completely understand why people are posting these things, especially those who are trying to ask everyone to work together (social distancing, check-in on friends/neighbors/the elderly via phone/internet, basic hygiene, etc). Unfortunately it has caused my anxiety to get out of control. For the first time I can remember, my curiosity and desire to learn more is making my mental health so much worse. Since I have General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) I am always a little anxious. Now that I am spending most of my day just goofing on the internet and reading articles (I'm on Spring Break), my anxiety is overwhelming me. For my mental health I'm going to take these steps:

  • Delete the Facebook app from my phone - It's how I usually browse Facebook. I'm counting on my laziness here because the only other way I get on Facebook is on my slow laptop. I hate waiting for it to boot so hopefully that will deter me from checking it very often.
  • Only use Twitter to search for conversations with good hashtags - I don't use Twitter a lot so I don't think I need to delete the app. Instead, I will log onto Twitter and search for tweets with hashtags like #floofs, #thankful, etc.
  • Go outside and take a walk for at least 10 minutes everyday - Fresh air is so important for mental health!
  • Ask myself the following questions:
    • Are you doing what you can to help flatten the curve? Yes, I'm washing my hands thoroughly and frequently (and using lotion to prevent dry skin), I am being conscious of when I touch my face, I am staying home as much as possible, I am not hoarding so as to make sure my neighbors can buy what they need.
    • Have you done something today that makes you happy? Yes, I attended church online and sang every hymn even though I felt a little silly at first.
    • Are you drinking water and eating well? Yes, I'm drinking plenty of water and I'm doing my best to eat enough that I am full but not "eating my emotions" constantly.
It's going to get tougher but we can do this. First of all, I beg you to practice social distancing. That means only leaving the house when necessary, avoid going to the grocery store/pharmacy during peak times, no large gatherings of people (that includes going to the mall or movies), and be mindful of others. It is making me anxious when I see friends post that they are at a bar, eating at a restaurant, at a concert, etc. You are taking unnecessary risks. Then the question is, what do we do with all this time at home? Below is a list of things you can do to help keep your spirits up. Also, if you or someone you know does not have home internet, contact the internet provider in your area. I have heard of multiple companies that will be giving basic internet for free to people over the next month or two.

Things to do when stuck at home

  • Do a watch party with your friends. Choose a movie that everyone can access (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, etc) and choose a time to start the movie. As you watch you can text each other or create a Facebook post with your comments. 
  • Watch an opera from The Met - This is happening at 7:30pm (I assume EDT) March 16 - 22. Click here for more information.
  • See awesome animals at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens - Every weekday at 3pm EDT they will have a Home Safari live on their Facebook page. I'm really excited for March 16 because it will feature my favorite hippo, Fiona! Click here to go to their Facebook page.
  • Play online board games - I have heard great things about Ticket to Ride ($7 in the Google or Apple App store). You can get more information on Ticket to Ride here. Search for your favorite game and you'll probably find it (ex: search "Risk Online" and there are lots of options!)
  • Spring cleaning
  • Read! See if your local library has OverDrive or other electronic resources.
  • Enjoy cuddling with your family/pets (I highly recommend watching The Office or Parks & Rec while doing this)
  • Cook/bake something new
  • Play PokemonGo or Wizards Unite - both games are making it easier to play without leaving home. If you decide to go out to play, please make sure you are staying at least 6 ft away from others and avoid touching things (railings and such).
  • Adult coloring books (I mean, it doesn't have to be made for adults ;) ) Click here for some free downloads!
  • Drive-through zoo
  • Crafts - knitting, sewing, tie-dye, whatever you have the tools for!
  • Learn a new language or brush up on one. I highly suggest the free app/site Duolingo (click here)
  • Go to a museum online - Click here to see over 150,000 pieces from Paris museums
Please comment on this post with any other ideas you have and I'll update this list! Please take a deep breath (literally), be smart, and stay safe. There is no need to hoard toilet paper and canned goods or to take unnecessary risks. Be good to yourself and to each other!
-Clare G. S.

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